Before and After


Just kidding! This is actually the work of Fishy’s awesome groomer, Kathryn. We call him Mufasa.

2 Responses to “Before and After”

  1. Ali Says:

    Linda, As I former Greenvillian, I can say that while we may not be as wild down here in the mid-coast area, there are still places that are close to wild. When I moved from Lewiston, it was because it was halfway for Dan & I to commute. It is now 6 years later, and Dan and I intend to leave feet first, and if it were an option, I’d be buried in the backyard!

    Welcome! You will come to love this area. Ask for advice anytime :-)

  2. Linda Says:

    Thanks! Greenville is beautiful, too.

    Oops – I accidentally deleted my fist comment, hoping to repost under just my first name.

    (Woudln’t you know Blogger decided not to forget me!)

    I really enjoy your blog, and I’m looking forward to reading more of it.

    I’ll have to go down there for the peaches. ;-)

    Peaches and blueberries in the same state. Wow.

    Thanks again!

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