About us

I’m Ali, I’m the chief author of this blog.  I live in Mid-coast Maine with my fabulous hubby, Dan, where we garden, tackle old house projects, and keep a few hens in the backyard.

I’ve been gardening seriously since I was 9, when my mom helped me plant carrots.  I don’t remember if they were successful, but I clearly remember the next year when I successfully baked the new potatoes I harvested in my Easy Bake Oven.  They were delicious, and I was hooked.  I’ve had something growing just about everywhere I’ve lived, making temporary raised beds on the lawn or growing tomatoes in buckets.

Dan, too, has gardening in his blood.  His great grandfather owned a greenhouse-nursery in Yonkers and had a large garden where Dan can remember watching his grandfather gardening.  Dan can remember planting a bean seed in the middle of the lawn when he was 7 or 8 years old.  At age 9, Dan kept ducks, and became an advocate for backyard poultry, sending his first letter to the editor to the Danbury News-Times on duck-keeping and how appropriate ducks were for backyard animal husbandry.  In high school and college he worked for a landscaping company, assisting in creating among others a large oriental garden in Westchester County, NY.

Here at Henbogle we’ll talk mostly about gardening and hen-keeping, a bit about old home maintenance and renovation, and add a bit of this and that about our adventures together in beautiful Maine.  I hope you’ll join us.

Got something to share?  send me an e-mail:  henbogle at gmail.com