Archive for the ‘resources’ Category

Longfellow’s links

March 11, 2013

I had a great time chatting with my fellow gardeners on Saturday at my seed starting workshop at Longfellow’s Greenhouses. If you went to the workshop and are stopping by Henbogle to check out some of the webpages I mentioned, here are links to the ones I recall talking about.

Tips on lighting for seed starting at Mike’s Bean Patch.

How much to grow from Ed Hume Seeds

A seed viability chart from Hill Gardens of Maine and another from Iowa State University Extension

An online seed starting calendar tool from Skippy’s Vegetable Garden

One of the best resources for Maine gardeners is available in your own county:  The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Service.  These folks are pros and their mission is to help people grow food.

You will find these links and more on my page Resources for Maine Gardeners and Eaters

Good luck with your seed starting and gardening, and don’t forget to have fun!

Gardening wisdom, available now

March 4, 2013

One of the fun parts about being a Master Gardener is being asked to spout off deliver workshops for less experienced gardeners.  I’ve got a couple of gigs on the horizon, and I’d love to meet my Maine readers, so if you are in the area, stop in and say hello!  The first up is a talk on seed starting this Saturday at Longfellow’s Greenhouses in Manchester.   Dave Handley of the U Maine Cooperative Extension Service is speaking in the morning at 10 about growing blueberries.  Dave is the Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist at the Extension’s nearby research facility, Highmoor Farm in Monmouth.  My talk will be in the afternoon at 1 pm.  Please do say hello if you happen by.

On Saturday March 16 I’ll be speaking at Rural Living Day.  The event is sponsored by the Waldo County Office of the U Maine Extension, and is a fundraiser for scholarships for a scholarship for a graduating Senior from Waldo County.  The workshops cover a variety of topics of interest to those of us living the good life in rural Maine, including cheesemaking, composting, permaculture, seed-saving/open-pollinated seed, growing great garlic and more.  I’ll be talking more about my ongoing project of tracking the economic value of my garden.  There is more than 1 workshop in each session I want to attend, so clearly the day is packed with great learning opportunities, and there will be a locally sourced lunch!  I hope to see some of my Maine readers there, it should be a good day.

I’m doing one more session at Waterville Adult Education with my MG professor, Caragh Fitzgerald on extending the seasons on April 9.  I’m not sure how to register for that but if you are interested leave me a comment and I’ll get the scoop.


Good reading ahead

September 23, 2011

Last fall, I contacted gardener/writer Henry Homeyer to invite him to speak to our Master Gardener class.  Unfortunately, Henry was on his way to France and couldn’t attend, but we had a nice conversation, and he asked if he could contact me again and possibly write about my garden in his column.  I said yes, and promptly forgot about it until a few weeks ago, Henry called me and we had a nice chat about gardens and gardening, and producing food in a small garden.

At the end of our thoroughly enjoyable chat, (which may result in Henbogle garden being featured in his column), Henry offered me a review copy of his new book.  As I’ve read his column in our local paper for years, and enjoyed his earlier book, Notes from the Garden: Reflections and Observations of an Organic Gardener, I jumped at the chance.

Henry promptly sent it out and it arrived the other day.  I haven’t had a chance to delve in, yet, but am looking forward to reading it and sharing my thoughts here on Henbogle.  Thanks, Henry!

Is it hot enough?

February 11, 2011

I came across this excellent video and explanation of how to know when your cooking pan is at the correct temperature for searing, and the interesting physics behind it the other day.  Check it out!

**In thinking about this more, I definitely recall instructions for making, among other things, pancakes, which said something like when water beads on the surface, the pan is ready.  So this isn’t a new knowledge, but the explanation and video make it worthwhile.

Then again

January 20, 2011

Who needs an Excel spreadsheet when Johnny’s has an online seed starting calculator!

DIY metal hoophouse

January 4, 2011

Johnny’s Selected Seeds has a new metal “Quick Hoops” jig to bend 1 1/3″ chain link fencing into hoops for a sturdy and long-lasting hoophouse.  They also have a spreadsheet calculator to help you estimate the cost which includes a list of all the needed parts.  They also sell greenhouse cover at a very reasonable price.  I just love Johnny’s, although I’m wondering if they are enabling my habit.  Is this a healthy relationship?  Our extension service purchased a smaller Quick Hoops jig to loan out, I think I’m going to ask if they will get this new one, too.

Northeast seed-savers

October 22, 2010

Northeast gardeners have a new source for regionally adapted seeds.  I read recently in the New York Times about the Hudson Valley Seed Library based in Accord, New York.  You must become a member of the library for an annual fee and in return, you may select 10 packets of seed.  The Library also sells gift packs or gift memberships for your gardening companions.

Maine has a local project at Medomak Valley High School, the Medomak Valley Heirloom Seed Project, part of the school’s horticulture program.  The project publishes a catalog of seeds available for sale.  If these seeds can survive in Maine, chances are, they will thrive elsewhere in New England, so I encourage you to check it out and support this terrific horticulture program.

Of course, don’t overlook the granddaddy of them all, the Seed Savers Exchange, which has been encouraging seed saving since 1975.  Who can resist such fabulous, and delicious, history?

There’s no time like the present to get on a few new seed-dreaming catalog lists to sustain you through the dark days!

Plow Day

May 14, 2010

Got a hankering to see big, beautiful draft horses at work?  Head to the Deri Farm in North Yarmouth, Maine on Saturday for the 2nd annual Plow Day.

Skyline Farm, Deri Farm and the Farmers Draft Horse, Mule and Pony Club of Maine are sponsoring the demonstration, which is free and open to the public. The teams and teamsters will begin at 9 a.m. and finish sometime in the afternoon. “These hosses were born to work. They love it.” said Luther Gray, one of the teamsters who will be participating in the event with a team of draft horses. The teamsters will describe the proceedings and answer questions. In case of rain, the event will be held on May 15.

Thanks to Henbogle reader Patrick for giving me the heads up on this, it sound great!

Ruth Stout

December 27, 2009

Dan introduced me to Ruth Stout and the idea of sheet composting/mulching when we first moved to Henbogle.  Ruth wrote about gardening in at least 2 books, Gardening Without Work, and How to Have  A Green Thumb Without An Aching Back.  She was full of common sense gardening advice, which naturally resonated with me.  In the second video clip she mentions smashing a liquor joint window with Carrie Nation at age sixteen!  SHe was quite a woman.

Margaret at A Way to Garden found some wonderful video footage of Ruth and posted it; I highly recommend a visit to check it out.  What a treat!

I’d like to thank the Academy…

September 30, 2009

and all my devoted readers, especially those who nominated, and then voted, Henbogle as the Best Maine Gardening Blog at Blotanical.  That is way cool!  You guys rock.

I, on the other hand, have been in a Blotanical coma I am ashamed to say.  I joined Blotanical shortly before my very old Mac laptop began to prepare for its next turn on the wheel, and somehow, once I got my shiny new Mac, (I cringe to say this) I failed to fully explore the many benefits that Blotanical offers.

And despite my failure, I have been given an award!  Thank you so very much.

In just a few minutes poking around Blotanical tonight, I can see that it will be a great test of my time management skills –so many yummy blogs, so little time.

Seriously, though, thanks Stuart Robinson for the vision and drive to create Blotanical, and to all the folks who read Henbogle and are part of the great global gardening community.